Recommended Reading
Addressing the Blind Spot of Our Time
The Fractal Organization
Intelligent Failure Competency Model
A Learning-based Approach to Organizational Change: Five Case Studies of Guided Change Initiatives
Field Manual for a Learning Historian
The Presence Workbook
Study Notes for The Dance of Change: The Challenges of Sustaining Momentum in Learning Organizations
A Design for Sustainable School Reform
A Four Level View of Curriculum Change
Beyond Disruptive Innovation
Mindset How to Help Every Child Fulfill Their Potential
Report Creative Public Leadership – How School System Leaders Can Create the Conditions for System-wide Innovation
Short Term-ism and the Lack of Systems Thinking
Systems Literacy – A Collection of Educational Videos
Systems Thinking Circular by Linda Booth Sweeney
The Solutions Journal
Reflections: The SoL North America Journal (V1-3)
Reflections 1.1
Reflections 1.2
Reflections 1.3
Reflections 1.4
Reflections 2.1
Reflections 2.2
Reflections 2.3
Reflections 2.4
Reflections 3.1
Reflections 3.2
Reflections 3.3
Reflections 3.4
Reflections: The SoL North America Journal (V4-5)
Reflections 4.1
Reflections 4.2
Reflections 4.3
Reflections 4.4
Reflections 5.1
Reflections 5.2
Reflections 5.3
Reflections 5.4
Reflections 5.5
Reflections 5.6
Reflections 5.7
Reflections 5.8
Reflections 5.9
Reflections 5.10
Reflections: The SoL North America Journal (V6-7)
Reflections 6.1
Reflections 6.2-3
Reflections 6.4-5
Reflections 6.6-7
Reflections 6.8-10
Reflections 7.1
Reflections 7.2
Reflections 7.3
Reflections 7.4
Reflections: The SoL North America Journal (V8-10)
Reflections 8.1
Reflections 8.2
Reflections 8.3
Reflections 8.4
Reflections: The SoL North America Journal (V11-12)
Reflections 11.1-2
Reflections 11.3
Reflections 11.4
Reflections 12.1
Reflections 12.2
Reflections 12.3
Reflections 12.4
Reflections: The SoL North America Journal (V13-14)
Reflections 13.1
Reflections 13.2
Reflections 14.1
Reflections 14.2
Reflections 14.3
Reflections 14.4 Last Issue

Peter Senge on Creative Tension

Systems Thinking for a Better World

The Dalai Lama and Peter Senge

Thinking Long Term